6 Costly Mistakes Pool Owners Make & How You Can Avoid Them

debbie • May 11, 2023
Testing Swimming Pool Chemicals

Owning a pool can be one of the most rewarding and enjoyable experiences, but it's essential that you do regular swimming pool maintenance and cleaning to ensure your pool’s longevity. From not testing the water enough to not emptying baskets and filters, these small missteps can lead to big costs down the line. As local pool cleaners, Pinnacle Pool has made a list of some common mistakes taken by pool owners and how you may avoid them with weekly pool maintenance—read on to make sure you don't make any of these 6 costly mistakes!

Swimming Pool Maintenance

Weekly pool maintenance is the number one way to ensure your pool is getting the proper care and treatment it needs. This can include anything from regularly testing your pool water, to keeping an eye on your water levels and ensuring that your pool pump is running at the appropriate time. 

Not Testing Enough

One of the biggest mistakes pool owners make is not checking their pool water frequently. Pools need chemicals to fight off harmful bacteria in order to stay safe and clean. You’ll want to test your pool for chlorine, pH, and alkalinity levels every two weeks. Depending on the results of the test you may need to add more chemicals or water to your pool.

It’s important that you follow the instructions carefully or get help from local pool cleaners when treating your pool. Mistakes such as incorrectly chlorinating the pool can leave swimmers with sore eyes and itchy skin. You’ll also want to make sure you wait the recommended time before getting back into the pool. For example, when a pool is shocked for algae growth, you will have to wait for at least one to two days before use. 

Watch Your Pool’s Water Levels

It’s important to watch the water levels of your pool, especially if they are low. The water level in your pool should be at the midpoint of the skimmer plate, which is the rectangular hole located on the side of your pool. If the water level is above this point, the skimmer cannot effectively filter out debris from the pool. If the water is too low, then the skimmer will be pulling in more air than water which will cause the equipment to work too hard and overload it. In both cases, it will lead to expensive maintenance costs, however when it is lower it will also likely include high electric bills and safety issues. Pool pump repairs and replacements are not cheap. 

 It’s easy for water to escape the pool. Water naturally escapes through daily use such as when people come and go, too much splashing, or natural evaporation. And then there are the unusual ways water can leave your pool: leaks and backwashing. To combat these issues you should always fill the pool a little higher. There will never be the risk of overfilling because of evaporation. 

Turning Off the Pump

Another mistake pool owners often make is turning off their pumps. Your pool pump must run for at least eight to ten hours daily, especially during the warmer months. It may be tempting to shut it off to save on energy and money but ultimately turning it off too soon will cost you more. 

Your pool pump's primary job is to circulate water around your pool. When the pump is off, it creates a stagnant environment that fosters bacteria and algae growth. Ideally, you want the water to filter completely through at least twice a day, but this could be more depending on how often you use your pool or how hot the temperature gets.

Regular Pool Cleaning 

Regularly cleaning your pool is an important part of swimming pool maintenance. Letting leaves and other debris build up in your pool means that your chemicals and pump will be working overtime. If this happens, your pool may no longer be safe and clean. It can also mean expensive repairs or replacement of pool equipment. 

Not Cleaning the Pool Properly

Organic debris that is left within the pool will be attacked by chlorine. While this may sound like a good thing, if the chlorine is working overtime to bleach leaves, then it won’t be available to kill other more harmful bacteria and viruses. Plus, if the filter and strainers aren’t regularly cleaned then you will be forcing your pump to work harder and potentially overload. This will result in higher operating costs, if not a pump repair or replacement. 

If your pool has excessive debris, algae, or cloudy water, don’t swim. You should instead test the water. It will likely be in need of treatment. 

Forgetting the Baskets and Filter

Baskets and filters are built to remove large debris. They are usually placed at strategic places such as before the skimmer and in front of the pump, to prevent this important pool equipment from getting overwhelmed by debris. Filters work hard to clean the water and remove smaller particles while the baskets catch the bigger pieces of debris. 

Baskets work hard to keep the debris from reaching the skimmer and pump but a full basket can still make the pump work harder which can cause the motor to burn out. This is a costly mistake that is very easy to avoid. By simply checking and emptying the baskets regularly, you can keep your pool clean and working efficiently.

Simple Neglect of the Pool

The biggest mistake pool owners make is simple neglect of their pools. Swimming pool maintenance may not be the most fun part of owning a pool but it is certainly the most important part. If you skip cleaning then you will be left with a pool that ends up feeling like more of a hassle. 

One simple way to ensure that you get your weekly pool maintenance in would be to hire local pool cleaners to help you. Choosing to work with a pool service company, like Pinnacle Pool, would guarantee that your pool gets the care it needs. We’ll ensure that your swimming pool gets regularly cleaned and you can trust us as pool experts to keep the right amount of chemicals in the pool so that it’s always safe and clean when you use it.  Contact Pinnacle Pool today to learn more about our swimming pool maintenance and cleaning services. 

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